Hoplite Greek and Japanese Samurai Sabots


Sabots Pack for 20mm Bases or UK 1p Coins
Triangle Sabot x 6
Round Sabot x 6
Command Sabot x 4
Single Sabot x 2

Sabots Pack for 25mm Bases or UK 2p Coins
Triangle Sabot x 6
Round Sabot x 6
Command Sabot x 5

SKU: SLD-SWB-MG Category:


These sabot bases are designed for to be suitable for the games Mortal Gods and Test of Honour. A sabot base comprises a 2mm MDF topper complete with a card underlay (purposefully thin to keep the sabots from being too thick).

Supreme Littleness Designs’ game aids are not endorsed by the designers of any named game.

Round Bases for these Sabot Bases are available here.

Triangle Sabot
A triangle sabot base has three slots. Each pack has six triangle sabot bases with three variant designs.

Round Sabot
A round sabot base has three slots. Each pack has six round sabot bases with three variant designs.

Command Sabot
A command sabot is a 32mm round sabot base with a slot for a smaller base. There are two variant designs.

Single Sabot
A single sabot is designed for the smaller base sizes: a figure mounted on a penny or 20mm base can be sabotted in a 25mm round sabot base for use as a single fighter.

Each pack is £5.50. There are four different base sizes to choose from.

Sabots Pack for 20mm Bases or UK 1p Coins
Triangle Sabot x 6
Round Sabot x 6
Command Sabot x 4
Single Sabot x 2

Sabots Pack for 25mm Bases or UK 2p Coins
Triangle Sabot x 6
Round Sabot x 6
Command Sabot x 5

I designed these sabot bases for my own Mortal Gods force. They share the same dimensions as the official ones so measuring sight lines remains exactly the same. But these sabots have a nice nibbled edge design which gives them a more natural look which I prefer.

I designed three variants of the triangle sabots and three of the round ones. I base my 28mm Ancients on 20mm round bases so that I still have the opportunity of keeping the figures in close order in other games. But many gamers go with the Mortal Gods basing method and mount their hoplites like their samurai on 25mm round bases.